ASEAN excise tax

Untitled Document Data collection of excise taxes in ASEAN member countries.

Excise tax detail devided by ASEAN countries

Comparison of Excise Tax in ASEAN Countries


Tobacco taxes

Comparison of Government Revenues from Tobacco Taxes
Government Revenue from Tobacco Tax 2005-2011 (figures in US Dollar)

Country 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Brunei No data No data No data No data 14,139,272 21,627,906 9,612,403
Cambodia 5,100,000 6,200,000 7,800,000 11,100,000 13,100,000 21,627,906 16,443,500
Indonesia 3,548,913,043 4,017,391,304 4,726,086,957 5,426,086,957 6,017,565,217 6,556,188,503 7,591,927,284
Laos PDR 3,321,341 4,017,391,304 4,923,659 9,585,732 11,967,927 20,091,439 26,623,414
Malaysia 892,857,143 857,142,857 964,285,714 1,071,428,571 1,107,142,857 ไม่มีข้อมูล 1,645,569,620
Philippines 512,987,013 580,086,580 500,000,000 595,238,095 523,809,524 720,909,090 590,840,909
Singapore 510,093,057 444,366,500 501,073,729 568,002,863 666,857,552 683,923,076 749,689,922
Thailand 1,157,363,636 1,080,333,333 1,267,393,939 1,267,636,364 1,331,393,939 1,779,366,666 1,906,533,333
Vietnam 380,200,000 378,800,000 395,600,000 444,700,000 521,100,000 576,999,896 649,420,725
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Comparison of Tobacco Tax Rates (Percentage of Retail Price)

Sources :

Comparison of Tobacco Tax Systems

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